Sun shining through clouds with open Bible


Some fundamental concepts of the Bible, as understood in the light of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh.

Glory to God! He is the Creator through His Word. His Creation is good. He created people in His own image. God has free Will, and He created people with free will― the ability to obey or disobey Him―and it is to our benefit to obey.

To guide us, God has provided an eternal Covenant. From Eden, Ur and Sinai, through flood, exodus and exile, to Canaan and Jerusalem, even to the present day, this Covenant has guided and protected God’s people. Those who keep the covenant grow close to God. This is true life, paradise, heaven. This is the foundation of God’s law. This is the means of salvation. If we do not accept and follow God’s guidance, we will become far from God. This is sin, leading to spiritual death, or hell.

Through this Covenant God sent His Son, the Word of God, to guide us to Him. The people of His day were expecting a Messiah, but they were not expecting Him to be Jesus of Nazareth. A few followed Jesus, and became His disciples. The leaders of religion for the most part rejected the Messiah, and had Him crucified. His spirit ascended into heaven, and yet through His sacrifice humanity was redeemed. Those who believe in Him follow him. They are forgiven of their sins and grow closer to God. After the crucifixion of Christ, His body, the church, was resurrected, grew, and thrived.

The advent of the Messiah was prophesied by Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others. The book of Revelation also prophesied the rise and spread of the early church, the advent of Muḥammad, the course of Islam, and the advent of the Báb (the Gate) and Bahá’u’lláh (the Glory of God). Through them the Covenant has once more been renewed, and the Kingdom of God is being established on earth.